Below is a list of audio files of past 20 sermons. Click on the title to play. The audio files are hosted on the Pastor's podsite, TRSL.

These two columns contain video links to recent videos of the messages. Videos for all messages are hosted on the church's YouTube site.

Below is last Sunday's sermon. All past sermons may be found on our church's YouTube website at

Sermon Date - June 23

Nehemiah was despondent over the condition of Jerusalem. When the king asked him what was wrong, chapter 2 of Nehemiah tells us, that Nehemiah said a quick prayer before he answered the king. Sometimes a quick prayer is all we have time for but Nehemiah had backed up that last-minute prayer with months of extended prayer before God. Prayer, and talking with God is one of the main ways we get our hearts and thoughts in synchronization with God. When we align our heart and mind with Him we can move forward in power and wisdom. From Nehemiah 2:1-8